The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian Mr. P Quotes

"When I first started teaching here, that's what we did to the rowdy ones, you know? We beat them. That's how we were taught to teach you. We were supposed to kill the Indian to save the child."

"You killed Indians?"

"No, no, it's just a saying. I didn't literally kill Indians. We were supposed to make you give up being Indian. Your songs and stories and language and dancing. Everything. We weren't trying to kill Indian people. We were trying to kill Indian culture." (5.40-5.42)

Mr. P reveals that his teacher training was focused on stamping out the children's Native American culture (songs, stories, language, and dancing). This also included violence, such as beatings. Why do you think the white teachers thought all of this was necessary? How does Arnold react to Mr. P's revelation?

"You were right to throw that book at me. I deserved to get smashed in the face for what I've done to Indians. Every white person on this rez should get smashed in the face. But, let me tell you this. All the Indians should get smashed in the face, too."

I was shocked. Mr. P was furious.

"The only thing you kids are being taught is how to give up." (5.149-5.151)

Mr. P blames himself for failing the kids, but he also blames the families of the children. Mr. P is upset because he believes the kids are being taught to give up at school and at home.