Achilles's Clique: Captains of the Football Team (Jocks)

Achilles's Clique: Captains of the Football Team (Jocks)

Every time gym class rolls around, Achilles is always first-pick. He's the buffest, most skilled dude around. Hate him or love him—you can't deny that Achilles was the jockiest jock of the Trojan War.


Agamemnon was the quarterback meets head coach for the Greek army during the Trojan War. He was the guy who made up the strategies and drafted the players, but he also didn't mind getting into the battle, calling the plays, and doing a little damage with his own two hands. Bottom line: he's a beast.


Hector was a top player for Troy during the Trojan War, and he was definitely a sight to behold on the battlefield. Tons of Greeks fell to him, and his skills got him a draw in a one-on-one battle with the massive Ajax. Even though he had the home field advantage, though, Troy's top player was eventually taken down by the mighty Achilles.


If Ajax were stomping around the earth today, you'd better believe every NFL team would be trying to recruit him. This guy is massive, strong, and not to be trifled with. Ajax might have been the second best warrior of the Greeks at Troy, but we're pretty sure he could wreak major havoc on a modern day football field.


Aeneas is not to be messed with on the battlefield, and we're guessing he could regulate on the football field, too. Sure, he's not totally popular with some of the big Greek jocks like Heracles and Achilles—they're still holding a grudge because he's Trojan and his descendants founded Rome. But to all the Trojan and Roman fans out there, Aeneas is the man.


Heracles is probably the only Greek hero who could step to Achilles. It's a good thing they weren't from the same generation; we have a feeling they totally would've had it out with disastrous results. Heracles is massively strong, and his list of amazing feats is pretty much endless. Like Aeneas, he did so much awesome stuff while he was alive that he became a god after he died. (Achilles is massively jealous of this.)


God of thunder and the son of Odin, Thor is a top dog in Norse mythology. Like Heracles, this guy is freakishly strong. The cults of these two jocks actually got totally mixed up over the years, and Heracles' club pennants became kind of interchangeable with the hammer pendants of Thor. Hmmm, maybe their marketing teams should've worked a little harder on brand recognition.


Gilgamesh is the awesome Sumerian/Babylonian king of Uruk. He is the star of The Epic of Gilgamesh, a poem about his adventures and his quest for immortality and eternal life. Just like Aeneas, Heracles, and Thor, Gilgamesh gets into lots of trouble and defeats some pretty gross monsters.

King Arthur

King Arthur is a noble warrior and star of some very famous legends. Does the phrase "the knights of the round table" or the name Guinevere ring any bells? Well, King Arthur is basically the first knight in shining armor, and Guinevere is his ladylove who betrays him by falling in love with Sir Lancelot.


Cuchullain is a rad hero from Celtic legends. He has a trusty, deadly spear that slaughters anything that comes in its path. Legend has it that Cuchullain was offered immortality, but he turned it down (how noble!). In battle, he is often described as being monster-like because he gets so stinkin' worked up.


That's right, you heard us. Superman also belongs in this clique of jocks. He's a very important American legend who has plenty of adventures and soars above any obstacles that come his way. We'd have him on our team any day.