Airborn Quizzes

Think you’ve got your head wrapped around Airborn? Put your knowledge to the test. Good luck — the Stickman is counting on you!
Q. If Matt were an animal, he would be:

A blue-tongued skink. They're pretty awesome.
A golden retriever—he's loyal to a fault.
A gerbil, because he's little and light.
Duh—he'd be a cloud cat. Did you even read the book?
Q. If Kate were an animal, she would be:

A cat—she's going to do what she wants, when she wants to, because she wants to.
A kangaroo, because she's always hopping from one thing to the next
A pony, because she's pretty high-maintenance, and she's got that chestnut hair
A dolphin, because she's wicked smart
Q. Miss Simpkins is most like a:

Giraffe because she likes to keep her nose high in the air
Toy poodle. She's fancy like that.
Cockatoo, because she's always screaming when she's not asleep
Rhino. She's got a really thick hide.
Q. Bruce would probably be a:

Worker ant, he's pretty industrious.
Dung beetle—he finds beauty in other people's leavings.
The weak gazelle running at the back of the pack
Circus bear, because he doesn't know what he's supposed to do until someone else tells him.
Q. Captain Szpirglas would make a great:

Puma. He's sleek, mysterious, and always ready to pounce on a weaker animal.
Polar bear. Because.
Hyena, because he's pretty loquacious.
A blobfish. Rare, often unseen, and ugly.