- On the ground in Chicago, McCroskey readies the rescue units.
- Meanwhile, Rex Kramer gives instructions to McCroskey on his car phone.
- Turns out that Kramer knows Ted from the war. From this experience, Kramer understands full well that Ted has ability, but serious confidence issues.
- Back in the air, Ted dons his headset and checks the controls. He loses control instantly, but manages to level the plane.
- In the cabin, one of the passengers starts to lose it. She's promptly "calmed" by a throng of passengers who take turns slapping her back to reality with everything from open hands to wrenches to pistols.
- "Looks like I picked the wrong week to quit drinking," McCroskey laments, taking a swig from a flask.
- Meanwhile, Kramer arrives at the airport. Whereas other characters were slowed down by the various folks asking for donations in the airport lobby, Kramer starts punching them out left and right.
- Kramer and McCroskey meet and agree on a plan to help Ted get the plane down safely.
- Kramer gets on the radio with Ted. It's clear there's tension between the two characters.
- Though Kramer explains to McCroskey that they must build up Ted's confidence, that plan quickly backfires.
- "Striker," he asks, "have you ever flown a multi-engine plane before?" "No, never," Ted responds. "There's no way he can land this plane!" Kramer grumbles to McCroskey, while Ted overhears.
- Ted disengages the automatic pilot, and the plane immediately starts shaking. Elaine sits copilot.