Alas, Babylon Dreams, Hopes, and Plans Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

They walked on, his arm around her waist. "This is a bad time for love," she said. (9.212)

Randy and Lib's growing love only makes it harder to accept that this will be their future, fighting tooth and nail to make it through the day. Things could've been so different.

Quote #8

"I wish we had a place of our own so I could keep you. I wish we had just one room to ourselves. I wish we were married." (10.158)

For Lib and Randy, this is especially annoying because they're with each other all the time. The only thing standing in their way is the lack of electricity, potential nuclear fallout, roving bands of violent highwaymen—you know, rom-com stuff. They're able to be together physically, sure, but not as fully as either might prefer.

Quote #9

Elizabeth McGovern and Randolph Bragg were married at noon that Easter Sunday. (11.1)

Eventually, Lib and Randy say phooey to logic and get hitched. Is this a mostly symbolic gesture? Sure. But as far as symbolic gestures go, it sure hits the mark. It gives both of them something to fight for in the future.