Alas, Babylon Fear Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

"Not much I can do for cardiacs. [...] It's fear that kills 'em, and the worst fear is that they'll have a shock and not be able to reach the doctor." (5.109)

As it turns out, fear can do a lot more than give you the sweats—it can kill you. The risk is even greater when you have heart problems.

Quote #8

Realization did not come all at once. It could not, for his mind refused to assimilate it. (5.190)

Some people, like Edgar Quisenberry, are so trapped in their bubbles that they're not afraid even after the bombs start falling. For them, it'll take a few more mushroom clouds for those balloons to finally pop.

Quote #9

"No! No, I'm not going to carry a gun. I've spent too many years learning how to save lives to start shooting people now." (7.125)

It's easy to start fearing your fellow man in a situation like this—especially when you've just witnessed the scene of a gruesome murder, as Dan has here—but we think it's admirable that Dan stays true to his moral code. You've got to stick to something, right?