Alas, Babylon Rules and Order Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

Randy couldn't believe it. Mrs. Vanbruuker-Brown was Secretary of Health, Education and Welfare in the President's Cabinet, or had been until this day. (6.11)

In other words, nearly a dozen members of the presidential cabinet, including the President himself, all died during the initial attacks. Yikes. Prior to this broadcast, Randy wondered about the state of the United States government outside of Florida. Well, now he knows—it hardly exists.

Quote #5

Randy sensed that Pete, perhaps because he had never had much of it, still coveted money. He said, "I'll give you a price for salt right now." (7.91)

Some people still cling to the old order even after it's obvious it's gone for good. Case in point right here. Pete Hernandez trades a big old bag of salt—a super-hot commodity in the post-apocalypse—for what is effectively green paper with old dudes' faces on them. At least it makes for good TP.

Quote #6

"They have deluded themselves into believing that lights, water, maids, telephone, dining-room service, and transportation will all come back in a day or two." (7.128)

The poor residents of Dan Gunn's inn—most of them tourists caught away from home when the bombs started falling—can't accept the end of society. This ends up being their downfall. If they could just accept the new order, they might be able to adapt and survive. For whatever reason, however, they can't.