All the Bright Places Change Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

I take a good long look at her. I know life well enough to know you can't count on things staying around or standing still, no matter how much you want them to. (18.11)

Even when Finch is feeling fine, he knows a change is coming. He tries to make the good moments count.

Quote #5

"This morning, your parents painted a pretty good picture of the you you used to be. That other Violet sounds fun and kind of badass, even if she had horrible taste in music. Now I see someone who's too afraid to get back out there." (16.12)

Violet experiences a lot of shifts in her own personality and behavior after her sister's death. Eventually, these even out, though she's still sad.

Quote #6

"We just weren't sure…we didn't know if we'd ever see you drive again. The accident changed a lot of things and it took a lot of things." (45.4)

Violet's behavior changed pretty dramatically after her sister's death. She wouldn't drive or even ride in a car for nearly a year.