All the Bright Places Family Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

I told Principal Wertz my dad was killed in a hunting accident. He never bothered to check up on it, and now he calls my mother whenever there's a problem, which means he actually calls Kate because Mom never bothers to check voicemail. (8.8)

Kate, posing as Finch's mom, got him out of school for six weeks, among other things. Sometimes Finch himself deletes voicemail that were meant for his mom.

Quote #5

My mother sighs in relief before taking another drink and going after her. She does her best parenting on Sundays. (8.28)

There are lots of hints that Finch's mom is an alcoholic. That said, is it just us, or is this passage sort of mean?

Quote #6

But it's not just a headache I feel, I can see it, like it's made up of a million colors, all of them blinding. When I tried to describe it to Kate once she said, "You can thank Dad for that. Maybe if he hadn't used your head as a punching bag." (18.8)

This is the first time Finch mentions his father's abuse. It sounds like Finch's injuries may be tied to his bipolar disorder.