All the Bright Places Guilt and Blame Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

I ride past her house and continue across town to Finch's, and the whole thing is so easy, even though I have this weird stitch in my chest because I just lied to my parents. (38.23)

Violet sneaks around with Finch after her parents forbid her from seeing him. Hey, at least she has the grace to feel bad about it.

Quote #8

"Are you feeling okay?" I try not to sound like the blaming girlfriend. Why won't you spend time with me? Why won't you call me back? Don't you like me anymore? (45.22)

Sometimes Violet feels like she's walking on eggshells with Finch. It makes it hard for her to ask him certain questions, such as "Why are you sleeping in your bedroom closet?"

Quote #9

I don't go for her or for her dad or for Kate or for Decca. I go for me. Maybe because I know whatever I find will be my fault. (53.1)

Just as Violet felt responsible for her sister's death, she feels responsible for Finch's. That's a lot of guilt to carry around.