You didn't think we were going to talk about a book called All The Pretty Horses and have there not be horses, did you? Yeah, we didn't think so.Horses in the book are often associated with nature...
Death Imagery
Ah, everyone's favorite imagery. There's no getting around Death-with-a-capital-D in All the Pretty Horses. And it's pretty bleak on this front: from the funeral parlor and bleached horse skull tha...
The Allegory of the Coinmaker
This one comes courtesy of old Alfonsa. She gives John an analogy from her father when speaking about fate, where a coiner turns a metal slug into a die in one of two ways, and all else follows fro...
The Billiards Room in the Chapel
One key scene has the hacendado (or ranch head) Don Héctor Rocha y Villareal invite John to play billiards in a room that was once a chapel, with an ornate chandelier hanging from the ceiling. An...