Alligator Bayou Resources


The Lowdown on Napoli

Napoli had an undiagnosed eye disease as a kid, so she didn't fall in love with reading until she was ten. This bio has tons more information about her, too.

Napoli's Website

This site has everything you want to know about Donna Napoli, so check it out. Bonus feature: Cute pictures of her grandkids.


Writers and Wannabes Interviews Donna Jo Napoli

Learn about Napoli's writing process, her love of words, and more.

Why Napoli Writes Stories with Animals in Them

Our author's also an environmentalist—and she wrote a book with one of her daughters, who is a veterinarian.

Swarthmore Interview

You know that silly saying those who can do, those who can't teach? Not true with Napoli—she's a career professor.

The Horn Book Interview

Roger Sutton interviews Napoli.


Napoli Gave a TED Talk

Napoli talks about why kids need to read about hardship, and she builds a pretty compelling argument. This one's definitely worth watching to the end.

A Bunch of Video Interviews

This page has a lot of video links to interviews—just click on a question toward the bottom of the page.


Louisiana 1900s

A photo collection that shows some of what Louisiana looks like when this story takes place.

Donna Jo Napoli

There are tons of photos of the author here.

Map of Alligator Bayou

Do you see an alligator ready to chomp when you look at this map?