


Character Role Analysis


We really want Amélie to succeed, but it's going to be difficult, since she's constantly getting in her own gosh-darn way. While there are some minor annoying characters, like Collignon, Amélie's biggest nemesis is herself; specifically, it's her own shyness, which prevents her from developing intimate relationships with others.

Okay, so maybe most people aren't worth forming intimate relationships with. Amélie herself would likely agree with that sentiment. However, when she bumps into Nino, she knows that they are kindred spirits. That's not enough to get her to come out of her shell, though. Old habits are hard to break, and Amélie is still shy, awkward, and unable to talk to the dude face to face; instead, she resorts to one game after another to earn his attention. But once she gets it, what's she going to do with it? Amélie's most courageous triumph against her own social anxiety is not running away.