


Character Role Analysis


Nino is the male version of Amélie. Amélie avoids people because she hasn't had much experience with them, and she's scared. Nino doesn't exactly avoid others, but he's more interested in the things they leave behind than in the people themselves. He spends a lot of time looking down, searching for photos under photo booths, and we're told he used to take pictures of footprints. He even recorded laughter he found interesting. He collects these little pieces of people (in a non-serial-killery way) instead of dealing with them head-on.

This is just what we see of Nino, of course. When he's not on-screen, he could be having orgies or giant drunken parties. He works in a sex shop, after all, though it's not quite clear exactly what he does there. What matters most is that he's slightly more outgoing than Amélie is. If he were just as shy, he probably wouldn't even follow the clues she gives him. But he's brave enough to do that, and he inspires Amélie to have the same courage.