American Pastoral Family Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

"I miss my daughter." (3.70)

Four really heart wrenching words, even though we don't know the whole story. The image of the Swede, sitting in his car crying while the rest of the family celebrates is painful.

Quote #5

"She's dead, Jerry." (3.70)

This is how we know that Merry dies in 1993 at about forty-one years old. We don't know how she dies, or what her life was like after 1973.

Quote #6

If only he could have let her just fade away. But not even the Swede was that great. (3.104)

These lines can be read as ironic, or not, or both at the same time. Is it really "great" to forget about a child, whatever the circumstances are? Or are there times when it's in the best interest of all involved to let the child go? Would your feelings toward the Swede change if he had forgotten about Merry?