Among the Hidden Freedom and Confinement Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

"Why?" Jen's dad asked. He was sobbing. "Did she want to die?"

"No," Luke said. "She wanted to live. Not die. Not hide. Live." (27.50-51)

Guess we know which one won out in that liberty/death battle. But Luke makes sure to emphasize exactly what Jen believed in—freedom, living freedom for all shadow children.

Quote #8

"You know about the famines?"

Luke nodded.

"Before that, our country believed in freedom and democracy and equality for all. Then the famines came, and the government was overthrown." (28.28-30)

Freedom, democracy, and equality sounds like a pretty good deal to us, but we have to wonder if the past just looks especially rosy from this grim future. After all, believing in freedom, democracy, and equality doesn't mean that everyone actually gets it.

Quote #9

But even if he got a fake I.D., what would he do?

The answer was there instantly, as if he'd known it all along and his brain was just waiting for him to come looking.

He could do something to help other third children come out of hiding. (29.67-69)

… after he sneaks into the 21+ club, that is. J/K. Luke would never do something that selfish. For him, getting a fake I.D. means being able to bring others to freedom, too.