Among the Hidden Identity Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

"You can say it," the girl coaxed. "'I'm a third child.' Why should there be anything wrong with that?" (15.11)

Uh, because there's an entire group of Nazi-esque police out to kill you exactly for being a third child? Jen may take pride in her identity, but that's not necessarily enough. It's going to take a whole lot of change before her society will accept her for who she is.

Quote #5

"I'm fine," he said, and went back to eating silently.

But he was worrying. Worrying that maybe the Government was right and that he shouldn't exist. (19.27-28)

Yeah, guess Jen's little pep rally didn't work, or else the Government has really gotten inside Luke's head. But just imagine spending most of your life knowing that you're not supposed to exist—eventually, you'd probably start believing it a little.

Quote #6

"...My parents have been begging me to get a fake I.D. for years, but I won't until I can have one that says 'Jen Talbot' and is really mine.

Have you all forgotten the rally? We're all gonna get real I.D.'s that say who we really are!!!! WE AREN'T FAKES! WE SHOULDN'T HAVE TO HIDE!" (20.13-14)

Good point: an I.D. that doesn't really identify who you are isn't much of a victory, is it? Jen Talbot isn't about to let some stinkin' Government tell her that she doesn't deserve to exist. Too bad that the Government is the one with the big guns and the riot police.