Among the Hidden Rules and Order Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

"Haven't you learned? Government leaders are the worst ones for breaking laws." (16.61)

Totalitarian governments go with hypocrisy like peanut butter and jelly. Seems like if you have enough money, you can just buy the law—up to a point. All the money in the world can't save Jen.

Quote #8

"You don't even know, do you?" she asked. "You don't know why they passed the Population Law."

"N-no," Luke admitted.

"It's all about food," Jen said. (17.64-66)

The Population Law might seem arbitrary, but according to Jen there's a reason. Rules are easier to follow if there's a good reason for them—unfortunately.

Quote #9

"When I was little, Mom used to take me to a play group that was all third children," Jen said. She giggled. "The thing was, it was all Government officials' kids. I think some of the parents didn't even like kids--they just thought it was a status symbol to break the Population Law and get away with it." (21.23)

Look, normally we frown on breaking the law, but it's hard to get too upset about this little playgroup. Third children for everyone!