An Abundance of Katherines Wisdom and Knowledge Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

But he was worried that he might not be enough of a genius to make the connections. He just couldn't imagine a way to correctly predict the other Katherines without screwing up the ones he'd already gotten down pat. And for some reason, his feared lack of genius made him miss K-19 more than he had since his face was pressed flat against his bedroom carpet. The missing piece in his stomach hurt so much—and eventually he stopped thinking about the Theorem and wondered only how something that isn't there can hurt you. (10.23)

Um, okay—Colin really knows how to make a domino effect, and he lets his breakups lead him down a road of despair. First stop? Depression over not being a genius. He puts so much pressure on himself to be a genius that we don't really know if he is all that wise. Smart, yes, but wise?

Quote #8

He believed Colin's development ought to involve a delicate interplay between what he called "active, results-oriented parenting" and Colin's natural predisposition to studying. This basically meant letting Colin study and setting "markers," which were exactly like goals except they were called markers. Colin's father believed that this kind of prodigy—born and then made smarter by the right environment and education—could become a considerable genius, remembered forever. (11.30)

At least Colin's dad's approach is straightforward: all study and no play makes Colin a smart boy. But it's a lot of studying… and for what? We're not sure you can just become a genius one day. There's no checklist to being the most amazing, intelligent person on the planet. (Wait, is there? If one exists, can we see it?)

Quote #9

"But anyway, I can imagine this Katherine now, a little bit. She's clever. And she's just a little mean to you. I think you get off on that. Most guys do. That's how I got Colin, really. Katrina was hotter and wanted him worse. They'd been dating for a while when he fell for me. But she was too easy. I know she's my friend and possibly Hassan's girlfriend and whatever, but Katrina's easier than a four-piece jigsaw puzzle." (14.1)

Lindsey's got it all figured out—she's never even met the Katherines but she can see the game that they're playing with Colin's heart. She can sum up everyone so easily, which makes us think she might be the wisest one of the bunch. She just gets it.