Anne of Green Gables Quizzes

Think you’ve got your head wrapped around Anne of Green Gables? Put your knowledge to the test. Good luck — the Stickman is counting on you!
Q. Anne accidentally flavors the cake for the Allans with...

foot powder
laundry detergent
anodyne liniment
Q. Anne bought green hair dye because she thought it would turn her hair...

a handsome auburn
fair as a story maiden
a beautiful raven black
a luminous chestnut brown
Q. Anne's punishment for smashing her slate over Gilbert Blythe's head is...

a rap on the knuckles
to stand under sentences of her name spelled without an 'e' for the whole afternoon
to write an entire essay about decorum in the classroom
to sit on the boys' side of the classroom
Q. What did Anne mean to serve Diana when she accidentally gave her currant wine?

a Shirley Temple
raspberry cordial
Q. When Anne "confessed" to taking the amethyst brooch, what did she tell Marilla she did with it?

She accidentally dropped it in the Lake of Shining Waters.
She hid it and then forgot where she put it.
She gave it to a poor peddler who came to the door.
She let go of it outside and the wind whipped it away.