Anne of Green Gables Quizzes

Think you’ve got your head wrapped around Anne of Green Gables? Put your knowledge to the test. Good luck — the Stickman is counting on you!
Q. What does Anne name the piece of land where she and Diana make their playhouse?

Violet Vale
The Ice Cream Palace
The White Way of Delight
Q. What is Anne's first dress in the story made of?

sensible wool
the souls of dead violets
yellowish-gray wincey
brown gingham
Q. Which creature don't Anne and Diana imagine in The Haunted Wood?

a headless man
a banshee
the ghost of a murdered child
Q. The first time Diana signals to Anne to meet up, exciting news does she have to tell her?

There's going to be a Sunday school picnic.
Gilbert Blythe has a crush on her.
Her great-aunt Josephine has invited them to visit.
The Avonlea school is going to have a new teacher.
Q. On what occasion does Anne wear her white organdy dress?

her Queen's commencement
the Exhibition in Charlottetown
a concert at the White Sands Hotel
the dog and pony show