Anne of Green Gables Appearances Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #10

"She's a real pretty girl got to be, though I can't say I'm overly partial to that pale, big-eyed style myself. I like more snap and color, like Diana Barry has or Ruby Gillis. Ruby Gillis' looks are real showy. But somehow—I don't know how it is but when Anne and them are together, though she ain't half as handsome, she makes them look kind of common and overdone—something like them white June lilies she calls narcissus alongside of the big, red peonies, that's what." (30.44)

Remember when Mrs. Lynde thought Anne was the ugliest child she had ever seen? Not only does she change her tune by the end of the book, but she also manages to see that Anne has an inner light that makes her seem even more beautiful than her fashionable friends.