Anne of Green Gables Friendship Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

"Mr. Phillips says I'm the worst dunce he ever saw at it. And Gil—I mean some of the others are so smart at it. It is extremely mortifying, Marilla. Even Diana gets along better than I do. But I don't mind being beaten by Diana." (17.33)

We know Anne's competitive when it comes to schoolwork. So it says a lot that it doesn't bother her when Diana beats her. She's so proud of Diana that it cancels out any jealous feelings.

Quote #5

"Miss Barry was a kindred spirit after all," Anne confided to Marilla. "You wouldn't think so to look at her, but she is. You don't find it right out at first, as in Matthew's case, but after awhile you come to see it." (19.98)

We heart Anne's idea of the kindred spirit: someone who fits with you, who is compatible, who you naturally get along with. Miss Barry is proof that unlikely people can turn out to be kindred.

Quote #6

"Your solo was perfectly elegant, Diana. I felt prouder than you did when it was encored. I just said to myself, "It is my dear bosom friend who is so honored." (25.52)

Have you ever watched a friend do something great, and wanted to shout "I know them!" If Diana became a pop star, Anne would absolutely run her fan club.