Annie John Exploration Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

Of course, sometimes, what with our teachers and our books, it was hard for us to tell on which side we really now belonged—with the masters or the slaves—for it was all history; it was all in the past, and everybody behaved differently now. (5.5)

Annie is clearly a thoughtful and inquisitive girl. She never takes her history lessons at face value and wonders where she fits in the world in the big scheme of things.

Quote #8

I was no longer on the same chapter we were studying. I was way ahead, at the end of the chapter about Columbus's third voyage. (5.6)

As a great student, Annie soars ahead of her friends and loves to explore her studies. She moves far beyond the other students in her class because she always wants to know more.

Quote #9

When I next saw the picture of Columbus sitting there all locked up in his chains, I wrote under it the words "The Great Man Can No longer Just Get Up and Go." I had written this out with my fountain pen, and in Old English lettering—a script I had recently mastered. (5.6)

Sometimes Annie's exploration leads her to down the wrong path. The defacement of the Columbus picture, while funny (and insightful), gets her in a whole heap of trouble.