Annie John Family Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

I spent the day following my mother around and observing the way she did everything. When we went to the grocer's, she would point out to me the reason she bought each thing. (2.3)

Annie is her mother's little helper and shadow in the beginning of the book. Before school friends and homework, Annie's whole world is wrapped up around her mother.

Quote #5

How important I felt to be with my mother. (2.4)

Super, duper important quotation. How do Annie's feelings about her mother change over the course of the novel? Who makes her feel important later?

Quote #6

As my mother went about my pot to pot, stirring one, adding something to the other, I was ever in her wake. As she dipped into a pot of boiling something or other to taste for correct seasoning, she would give me a taste of it also, asking me what I thought. Not that she really wanted to know what I thought […] but it was just to include me in everything. (2.6)

The intensity of the relationship between Annie and her mother is important. We, as readers, wouldn't understand the heartache Annie experiences as she mother begins to distance herself if we didn't first understand how very close they were.