Arrowsmith Drugs and Alcohol Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Section.Paragraph)

Quote #4

Suppose he's drunk and gets called out on a case! (17.1.35)

Martin's alcoholism is no secret to the people of Wheatsylvania. For these people, a doctor should be sober 24/7 in case someone calls his house for an emergency. What would happen if Martin ever got called to an emergency case while he was drunk? It would be a disaster.

Quote #5

"Come! I buy a drink. As a hygienist, I war on alcohol. In excessive quantities it is almost as bad as coffee or even ice cream soda. But as one who is fond of talking, I find a nice long whisky and soda a great solvent of human idiocy." (17.5.13)

As a public health official, Gustaf Sondelius could go on all day about the evils of alcohol. But on the other hand, he likes to sit around and have a good chat, and he finds that alcohol helps him do this a lot better.

Quote #6

[And] they could all of them, except the five-year-old twins, quote practically without error the newest statistics showing the evils of alcohol. (19.4.9)

The Pickerbaugh family is the very picture of health, and all of them can quote nearly any medical statistic to show why drinking booze is bad for you. But at the same time, they are basically a family of robots, with no real sense of danger or adventure. For Martin, some rules were made to be broken. But for the Pickerbaughs, the only path to happiness is being morally superior to everyone around you.