Arrowsmith Family Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Section.Paragraph)

Quote #7

When Gottlieb sought to make it clear that he was a poor man, the boy answered that out of his poverty he was always sneakingly spending money on his researches—he had no right to do that and shame his son—let the confounded University provide him with material! (12.2.2)

Max Gottlieb lives a very modest life, but not because he has to. He spends nearly every extra cent on funding his scientific research. This spending doesn't go over well with his son, who'd rather spend his father's money on hanging out with rich kids and acting like a big shot. Oh family. Don't you just love it?

Quote #8

"Let's get out of this, Sandy… I wonder were we so wise to live with the family and save money?" (14.1.7)

Although it's really cheap to live with her parents, Leora wonders whether it's the right thing to do. All she really wants out of life is to live alone with Martin. It's not long after expressing her doubts about her family that she and Martin move out for good and finally get some independence.

Quote #9

"Here you've got an illustration of Health in the Home. Look at these great strapping girls, Arrowsmith!" (19.4.5)

Dr. Pickerbaugh is very proud of his family, especially his daughters. He considers them to be as healthy and as morally upright as anyone who ever lived. Little does he know, though, that his daughter Orchid flirts with married men like Martin.