Arrowsmith Jealousy Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Section.Paragraph)

Quote #7

Constant criticism was good, if only it was not spiteful, jealous, petty— (36.3.3)

Martin cringes a little whenever someone criticizes him or his work. But deep down, he knows that criticism can make him better, as long as it's not motivated by petty feelings like spite or jealousy.

Quote #8

"You see, I've come to stay! I'll build a house near here; perhaps right across the lake." (40.3.15)

Martin's second wife Joyce is a lot different from his first wife, Leora. While Leora was always jealous of other women and never of Martin's work, Joyce is jealous of Martin's work and not of other women. Joyce hates that Martin loves his work so much more than her and their son John. That's why she decides to build a big ol' house next to Martin's private lab in Vermont—so she can always be near. The problem is that Martin goes to Vermont specifically to get away from her.

Quote #9

But now Arrowsmith, once the poorest of them all, came by limousine with a chauffeur who touched his hat, and Holabird's coffee was salted. (38.1.1)

Dr. Holabird enjoys being married to a rich woman because he gets to drive in a private car to work while all his colleagues take the train. Martin rains on his parade, though, by marrying an even richer woman and getting his own chauffeur.