Arrowsmith Love Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Section.Paragraph)

Quote #4

"Oh, I mean—I don't mean—But I do hope this Tozer person—I'm sure I shall like her, if you do, but—I am your own true love, aren't I, always!" (6.5.12)

When Martin asks Madeline to meet Leora Tozer, Madeline has no clue that she's about to meet Martin's other fiancé. But part of her knows that something isn't right, because she takes this opportunity to ask Martin whether she's his one true love.

Quote #5

"I wasn't jealous—Yes, I was. Oh, I can't help it! I love you so much. I'd be one fine lover, now wouldn't I, if I never got jealous!" (7.3.19)

When Martin sees Leora dancing with other men, he can't help but feel crazy jealous. But for him, this is just a sign of how much he loves Leora. If he didn't love her, he wouldn't care so much.

Quote #6

His head was buried in her lap and he clung to her affection, the one reality in a world of chattering ghosts. (19.2.32)

Martin always comes running back to Leora when things aren't going well in his life. Sure, he spends all of his time working and experimenting. But if something goes wrong, she's always there, waiting for him and ready to give him a shoulder (or lap) to cry on.