Arrowsmith Marriage Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Section.Paragraph)

Quote #4

At one that afternoon they were married, by the German Lutheran pastor. (9.5.54)

Martin and Leora eventually get sick of the meddling of Leora's family, so they elope. They find a couple of people to be witnesses and that's that. There's nothing Leora's family can do to stop them.

Quote #5

Leora wrote that she had been dropped from the school of nursing for over-absence and for being married. (10.2.1)

Talk about harsh. One of the reasons that the nursing school gives for kicking Leora out is that she's a wife. Back in the day, the school would have figured that Leora's husband would support her, so they'd want to free her spot up for another single woman. Makes you glad to be living in the 21st century, huh?

Quote #6

They had that understanding of each other known only to married people, a few married people, wherein for all their differences they were as much indissoluble parts of a whole as are the eye and hand. (25.2.1)

After being married for a while, Martin and Leora form a special bond in which they're totally aware of one another at all times, even when they're not specifically thinking of one another. Aww. They have a sixth sense about each other… which is a way better sixth sense than the creepy kind that lets you see dead people.