Arrowsmith Pride Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Section.Paragraph)

Quote #7

"I'm sorry you don't think I know anything," he raged, and departed with the finest dramatic violence. (27.5.13)

Max Gottlieb is Martin's mentor, and like most mentors, he often pushes Martin to be better. This usually comes at the expense of hurting Martin's pride. But even though Martin storms away from Gottlieb, he always comes back.

Quote #8

Martin had an unhappy pride that, with all his love for Gustaf Sondelius, he could still keep his head, still resist Inchape Jones's demand that he give the phage to every one, still do what he had been sent to do. (34.5.1)

Pride isn't always a happy thing for Martin. Toward the end of the book, he takes pride in the fact that he'll stick to his mission and only vaccinate half of the people on the island of St. Hubert. But he feels this pride at the expense of knowing that he'll be condemning thousands of people to death. In this case, Martin almost wishes he were weaker, so he could give in and give the vaccine to everyone who needs it.

Quote #9

"You have been thoroughly beastly, and any attempt at reconciliation, if that is possible now, which I rather doubt, must come from you." (40.2.3)

Martin's second wife Joyce isn't willing to live in the background of his life in the same way Leora was. She demands respect and attention, and she says as much when she demands that he come crawling back to her after leaving. Martin never does, though.