Characters in Artemis and Actaeon
Meet the Cast
Vital StatsParents: Aristaeus and the Autonoe (the daughter of King Cadmus, founder of Thebes)Favorite hobby: Hunting deer. As a boy, Actaeon took private bow and arrow lessons from the wise centau...
Artemis (Diana)
Apollo's twin sister, the goddess Artemis was one fierce huntress. Smart, quick with a bow, and fiercely independent, she loved running through the forest, searching for prey. She also had a posse...
Wood Nymphs
Young, beautiful, and trained in the ways of goddess pampering, the wood nymphs were semi-divine women who lived in valleys, forests, and springs. They could often be found partying with Pan, fendi...
Okay, we're not kidding: each of Actaeon's 30-50 dogs had a name. Our favorites include Aura, Zephyrus, and Chediaetros.Don't be fooled through—even though their names sound goofy, these canines...