Artemis Fowl Resources


The Honest to Goodness Official Site

An online mash-up that advertises the novels and characters with their comic book illustrations and weird surveillance sounds.

The Honest to Goodness Official (UK) Site

Though it's mostly a place to order all the books in the series, it includes links to live talks with Eoin Colfer and "files" on many of the main characters. Plus, there's a great gimmick where Colfer pretends he's Artemis and disavows any relationship to himself as a writer.

Movie or TV Productions

Artemis Fowl the Movie

Artemis might be a kid still, but he's big enough to fill up the silver screen. 

Articles and Interviews

"A Way With the Fairies"

Eoin Colfer talks about his writing process, his family, and his books.

"Despite the Hype, 'Artemis Fowl' is no 'Potter'"

Deirdre Donahue in USA Today takes issue in a huge way with the comparison between Rowling's books and Colfer's.


Puffin Virtually Live with Eoin Colfer

To celebrate the 10th anniversary of the Artemis Fowlseries, Colfer talks about life, his work, and his most famous character.

Fan-Made Trailer for the Artemis Movie

An Artemis fan cuts together a bunch of wildly different movies with some captions and somehow they all kind of work.


Full Audiobook

This nearly six-hour sound clip is the full text of the first book. 

A brief excerpt of the book read by Adrian Dunbar, with some techno intro music.


Learning Gnommish

When the book first came out, fans immediately translated the script running along the bottom of each page by piecing together the Gnommish alphabet. Now readers don't have to expend that much effort.

Artemis Fowl Covers

The original US book covers for the series, not including the latest novel, were almost all pretty abstract and mystical. The UK covers brought in some of the first character images, followed by a re-release of the US covers with similar updates. Later UK covers (not pictured) went for an antiseptic, all-white feel.

The Man Himself

Author Eoin Colfer