The Artist Resources


Best of the Year

The official Weinstein Company website for The Artist is chock-full with behind-the-scenes pizazz.

An Artist's Inventory

IMDb has more nitty gritty deets on the film.

"Retro but Totally Modern"

The Tomatometer rings in at 97%.

Articles and Interviews

Two Stars in Conversation

Jean DuJardin and Bérénice Bejo come clean about their on-set rivalry…(not really).

Risky Business

Producer Thomas Langmann on The Artist as "potential commercial suicide."

It's Not an Idea; It's a Desire

Hazanavicius describes his amour for silent film.


"Hearts Everywhere Have Been Melted"

The Guardian's Peter Bradshaw pretends he's in the film to explain why the film should win Best Picture at the 2012 Oscars.

Backstage Pass

How to pick costumes for a black and white film? Turns out it's a bit tricky.

There's a New Star in Town

The best of Uggie the Dog on his big night at the Oscars, bowtie and all.


Pennies from Heaven

The only song with lyrics in The Artist is this 1936 hit, as sung by Rose Murphy.

Dizzying Heights

Hazanavicius pays homage to Hitchcock, using Bernard Hermann's score for Vertigo to enhance the climax of The Artist. Take a listen here.


Everybody Loves Jack

The movie poster gets its priorities straight and puts Uggie the Dog front and center.

Who's That Girl?

George's wife is not pleased. Who's that girl, indeed.

Caught in the Act

Peppy flirts with George's suit.

Not So Cheerful

George watches his old films wistfully.

Power Couple

George and Peppy were partially inspired by silent film stars (and sweethearts) Douglas Fairbanks and Mary Pickford.