Fear Quotes

How we cite our quotes:

Quote #1

Eddie Willers looked away. He had never liked the sight of that calendar. It disturbed him, in a manner he could not explain or define. The feeling seemed to blend in with his sense of uneasiness; it had the same quality. (

The calendar crops up as an interesting symbol in the book. It seems like an omen, a sort of countdown to doom. Eddie feels it's a reminder that time is slipping away toward some sort of terrible end, which ties in with the general feeling of dread that dominates the book.

Quote #2

"We must not worry. I heard a speech that said it is useless to worry or to blame anyone. Nobody can help what he does, that is the way things made him. There is nothing we can do about anything. We must learn to bear it." (

This conversation occurs at Hank's anniversary party and it shows how people are opting to ignore or just accept fear as part of their lives. This sort of defeatist attitude culminates in places like Starnesville, where people live in terrible conditions and can't bring themselves to care.

Quote #3

"'You see? Is there ever any reason to be afraid?'...She said that, because she knows – I've never told her, but she knows...that I'm afraid...Yes I am...I don't know...I wouldn't be afraid if I knew of what, I could do something about it." (

Eddie again raises the theme of the fear of the unknown.