Auguries of Innocence True or False

1. Blake says that we are "led to believe a lie" when we don't see… -> …through the eye
2. Which of these is the most plausible explanation of what Blake means by "to see a world in a grain of sand"? -> to see a big reality or truth hidden in a small image or metaphor
3. Aside from concern for animals, what is one (believable) reason that Blake might use so many animal metaphors and examples in his poem? -> to gain the power to command animal attacks with his mind
4. When Blake talks about "gold and gems" adorning the plow, what does the plow symbolize (according to the couplet itself)? -> peaceful arts and activities
5. Supply the missing word: "He who replies to words of doubt / Doth put the light of ______ out?" -> "knowledge"
