Autobiography of My Dead Brother Criminality Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

"How many snitches you got in your jail, Mr. Police-man?"

"Too many, my brother," Sidney said. "We got too many snitches, too many nonsnitches, and way too many young brothers trying to figure out how they got there." (2.109-2.110)

Sidney works hard to try to keep the kids in his neighborhood out of jail. Do we see his efforts pay off at all? If so, when? If not, why do you think he keeps trying?

Quote #5

One of the things about the hood was that there was this anxious bit with the cops. Everybody knew we had to have cops around so the thugees wouldn't rule, but we had to be all like "don't be in my face with it" at the same time. (6.31)

Jesse suggests that he appreciates police work, even though he and his friends don't always show it. Maybe he should send Sidney a card or something…

Quote #6

"Look, Jesse, strictly between you and me, I got the word from some people uptown that they need a new wheel to deal the downtown blow." (8.33)

Rise is "confiding" in Jesse that he's becoming a drug dealer. Never mind that he's been bragging about it all over town. Why do you think he tells Jesse that it's a secret?