Autobiography of My Dead Brother Friendship Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

"Yeah, well, one day we were blood brothers," Rise said. "Now you sounding like brothers ain't brothers and blood ain't blood." (8.47)

Rise really wishes that Jesse would be more supportive of his quest to become a drug lord. Sure, Rise, that's what friendship is all about—supporting your friends as they run their lives.

Quote #8

I was looking to make things right again, to get back to what I was comfortable with. That was the old Rise and the old hanging out. (15.12)

Increasingly, Jesse is realizing that the old Rise is gone. He comes to understand that he can't fix this situation for Rise; Rise has to want to fix it himself. All Jesse can do is hope Rise wants to at some point.

Quote #9

Thinking about Tania led me into thinking about C.J. He and Tania were the ones I wanted to be with. C.J. because he was easy and we had the art thing going on, and Tania because she was a girl. (21.1)

Another thing Jesse learns over the course of the novel is that friends are the people you choose to surround yourself with—and Rise just isn't one of those people anymore. It's hard to let go of him, though.