Avengers: Age of Ultron Religion Quotes

How we cite our quotes: All quotations are from Avengers: Age of Ultron.

Quote #4

Ultron: The human race will have every opportunity to improve. Pietro Maximoff: And if they don't? Ultron: Ask Noah. This is just a tad…disconcerting.

Ultron's now clearly taking his plays out of the Christian playbook, which does not bode well for us humans. His reference is to the Great Flood that God sent down as a divine punishment, making it rain for forty days and nights (and you thought you had it bad, Seattle).

Quote #5

Ultron: When the Earth starts to settle, God throws a stone at it. And believe me: he's winding up.

This is an odd thing to say—and that's really saying something because Ultron is just full of odd things to say. In this example, he indicates that he knows what God's about to do. Either that, or he's saying that he himself is God, and the wind up is his planning to turn a chunk of Sokovia into a humanity-obliterating meteorite. Either way, once again he sees his evil plot in terms of religious punishment.

Quote #6

Bruce Banner: Woah. It's definitely the end times.

This awkward joke brought to you by Dr. Bruce Banner. Dr. Banner: for when you absolutely need to cover up your simmering rage with a smattering of nervous chuckles. Ultron would not be laughing, though. He definitely sees his plan in terms of the religious "end times" apocalypse.