Back to the Future Family Quotes

How we cite our quotes: All quotations are from Back to the Future.

Quote #4

Doc: Maybe you were adopted.

Doc is prompted to make this remark because there are generally some pretty clear similarities between a father and son. Not in this case. Not on the surface, anyway. But good to know it's as obvious to an outsider as it is to the son in question.

Quote #5

Marty: Whoa, wait a minute, Doc, are you telling me that my mother has got the hots for me?

That's got to be a tough pill to swallow. Definitely an argument against time travel. Dating and relationships are already complicated enough as it is.

Quote #6

Lorraine: This is all wrong. I don't know what it is, but when I kiss you, it's like I'm kissing my brother.

Okay, this one might be a tad far-fetched. We're not aware of any particular "kissing gene" that gets passed down from one generation to the next. Regardless, Lorraine is clearly on the right track here. Something about it doesn't feel right—that much certainly makes sense. Maybe just a peck on the cheek and then tuck him in for night-nights next time?