Back to the Future Time Quotes

How we cite our quotes: All quotations are from Back to the Future.

Quote #4

Stella: Oh honey, he's teasing you, nobody has two television sets.

In case you thought the 1950's were basically the same as the 1980's, only with more poodle skirts, this line should instantly dispel that opinion. The idea of having two television sets in the 1950's was unheard of. Why would you need two?

Quote #5

Marty: I guess you guys aren't ready for that yet. But your kids are gonna love it.

Another line that points to the cultural divide between generations. The music that, 60 years ago, was considered edgy and dangerous is now considered an "oldie." Heaven knows what those kids from the 1950's would have thought about today's music.

Quote #6

Marty: Damn it, Doc, why did you have to tear up that letter? If only I had more time. Wait a minute. I got all the time I want. I got a time machine. I'll just go back and warn him.

How awesome would it be to just go back in time any time we made a mistake or wanted to save someone else from making one? The possibilities are attractive…even if the downside is terrifying.