Ballad of the Sad Cafe and Other Stories Community Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Story.Paragraph)

Quote #7

But this is not a town to let white orphans perish in the road before your eyes. (Ballad.85)

The adjective "white" lets us know: it's likely the town described, or at least the community concerned, is all white, and says something about a very segregated South, without much more than that one word.

Quote #8

The town laughed a long time over this grotesque affair. (Ballad.97)

Is the town demonstrating cruelty here? A lack of empathy for Miss Amelia or Marvin Macy? Plain boredom?

Quote #9

To begin with she had no patience with any traveling; those who had made the trip to Atlanta or traveled fifty miles from home to see the ocean—those restless people she despised. "Going to Atlanta does no credit to him." (Ballad.174)

Although Miss Amelia certainly enjoys her alone time, the gesture of leaving town and community for somewhere more glamorous or bustling impresses her not a whit.