Ballad of the Sad Cafe and Other Stories Lies and Deceit Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Story.Paragraph)

Quote #4

Therefore, according to Mrs. MacPhail, a warty-nosed old busybody who is continually moving her sticks of furniture from one part of the front room to another; according to her and to certain others, these two were living in sin. (Ballad.79)

Even though town-wide rumors are offered without insult, single-person value judgments earn pejorative phrases like "warty-nosed old busybody."

Quote #5

At last she turned him off the premises altogether, and he was forced to suffer publicly. (Ballad.94)

Suffering publicly is of course the worst fate in a small town, where everyone knows your business. (Sometimes you don't want to go where everybody knows your name!)

Quote #6

He nosed around everywhere, knew the intimate business of everybody, and trespassed every waking hour. (Ballad.117)

Lymon's nosiness and thirst for rumor seems to get a pass, while warty Mrs. MacPhail's does not. How come, do you think?