Roland Barthes's Bio

Roland Barthes's Bio

All the deets on your favorite critic's personal life.

Basic Information

NameRoland Barthes (pronounced like that Simpson kid)
Tagline"The author is dead! (But trust me, the reader is alive and well.)"
NicknameAuthor Slayer, Semiotician Extraordinaire, Rustler of Language, Dissector of Texts
Home townI was born in the countryside—Bayonne, France, to be exact—but soon moved to Paris, the hotbed for all things literary and theoretical. NBD.

Work & Education

OccupationOfficial title: Chair of Sémiologie Littéraire, Collège de France. Unofficial title: Dissector of Texts. Visit my office hours if you want to help me cut up editions of Balzac.
EducationThe Sorbonne, the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique. Sure, I've got the pedigree. But I'm all about independent study and going off the grid.


Political viewsAnti-whatever the bourgeois are doing.
Religious viewsIt's complicated: born to a Protestant mother and a Catholic father. I went Protestant, but I'm not down with the strict moral angle.

Activities & Interests

LikesStendhal (but I always failed to speak of the things I loved)
All things interdisciplinary
Reading for pleasure
Writing in my journal
DislikesThe bourgeois, and whatever they're doing
Dominant ideologies
Laundry trucks (too soon?)
InterestsAll things literary
Professional wrestling
Hollywood film
Cultural Critics
Theorists of professional wrestling
Fashion magazines deserve to be analyzed, too
Professors most likely to write romance novels on the side