Bastard Out of Carolina Sex Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #10

I knew what she meant, the thing men did to women. I knew what the act was supposed to be, read about it, heard the joke. "What's a South Carolina virgin? 'At's a ten-year-old can run fast." He hadn't done that. Had he? (9.44)

Okay, let's talk about this joke and why it's important for the story. Basically the joke's punch line is that in South Carolina, people start having sex and a really young age, and usually unwillingly (unless they can outrun their rapists). Because they're hillbillies. Get it? Right. Anyway, the fact is that this joke is actually a painfully close reality for Bone, who, yes, has been sexually assaulted at a young age. But what's throwing Bone off is the word "virgin." Again, Bone isn't sure what to call what Glen does to her when it doesn't extend to actual sex. She knows that there's something sexual about it, but it's not sex as she understands it, so it totally confuses her.