
Check out this amazingly complete website honoring the life and work of RPW.

Read his New York Times obituary.

Check out what those rebellious Southern poets were up to at this website.

Their name sounds like the name of a band, and in some ways the Fugitives were that. They had a sound all their own. Get an earful and eyeful here.

James Dickey and Robert Penn Warren once got poetic in a field of flowers.

If you haven't heard Warren's voice, do yourself a favor.

Click here to hear more of his wonderful twang.

What's that sly look for?

Here he is, still smiling.

The gang's all here.

Get a load of the beard.
Articles and Interviews

Check out this review of Eleven Poems on the Same Theme.

Warren chews the fat with the likes of Ralph Ellison.

"Bearded Oaks" first appeared in this 25-page chapbook.

Read 'em all right here.

This book is credited as revolutionizing the teaching of poetry.
Movies & TV

Here's a documentary about Warren as a novelist, but also a great taste of his life and friendship with Ralph Ellison, courtesy of public television.

All the Kings Men (1949)