Bernice Bobs Her Hair Resources


For you Fitzgerald fans out there…

The University of South Carolina maintains a fabulous Fitzgerald site, with scholarly articles, biographical info, and more. It's definitely worth a click!

Bernice Bobs Her Hair… the blog?

OK, it's not what it sounds like – instead, it's a collection of vintage advertisements and images. Still, pretty cool.

Movie or TV Productions

In living color…
The 1976 made-for-TV version, starring Shelley Duvall.


Bernice Bobs Her Mullet

A review of the short-lived musical update of the story.


Scott Speaks!
OK, this isn't directly related, but it is cool. Click here for recordings of Fitzgerald reading.


The Big Chop

Here's the original cover for Flappers and Philosophers…this scene should be familiar.

The most famous bob of all…

Louise Brooks, an American silent film actress, was famous for her dramatic bob cut.