Big Poppy Man and the Natural World Quotes

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Quote #4

Then we shall say:
"She wore herself in her hair, in her day

Now we've moved into the realm of conversation about nature – so this is a little less symbolic, a little more literal. How do we as humans talk about "the natural world"? (As though we weren't a part of it!) Again, we personify, trying to match parts of plants (in this case) to parts of our own bodies. The natural world causes us to reflect upon the ways in which we live our own lives – how we "wear ourselves," as it were. This last part of the poem goes on for some while talking about the flower as if it were a body. The speaker turns the flower fully human, in other words, bringing some of the wildness of the natural world into the human world – or maybe saying something about how wild humans are, and how we really are inseparable from nature.