The Big Sleep Wealth Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

A pretty, spoiled and not very bright little girl who had gone very, very wrong, and nobody was doing anything about it. To hell with the rich. They made me sick. (12.11)

Marlowe's contempt for the rich is clear from the first paragraph of the novel. In this passage, Marlowe is referring to Carmen, whose wealth is one of the root causes of her corruption. It's also important to notice that Marlowe is contemptuous of those who don't do anything when they see something is wrong. They're just as bad as the rest of 'em.

Quote #8

"First off Regan carried fifteen grand, packed it in his clothes all the time. Real money, they tell me. Not just a top card and a bunch of hay. That's a lot of jack but this Regan might be the boy to have it around so he could take it out and look at it when somebody was looking at him." (20.34)

Captain Gregory provides Marlowe with some background info on Regan. He obviously married into a very rich family. What kind of image do we get of Regan when we read that he liked to carry wads of cash around and flaunt it when somebody looked at him?

Quote #9

"We've done all we could, brother. If he [General Sternwood] wants to put out a reward and spend some money, we might get results. The city don't give me the kind of money it takes." (20.53)

Captain Gregory expresses disappointment in not being able to help Marlowe more. He also seems to have the same sense of futility as Marlowe since he knows that he doesn't have the resources to do what it takes to get results. Money also appears to be necessary to keep the law functioning properly. But there's not enough of it to go around.