How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)
Quote #7
Billy spots Mr. Jones nearby, discussing the line with several other suits. Cowboys by four? 'Boys by three? They chuckle like men comparing the talents of a carnally shared woman, and Billy would like to go over there and beat their faces in. He doesn't know why he's so offended, but he is, maybe it's Mr. Jones's gun that sets him off, something about the presumption of it, the ignorance, the sheer f***ing ego of carrying around an instrument of deadly force. Like you know? You wanna see what deadly force can do? Bravo can show you, Bravo does deadly like you wouldn't believe, the kind that will break your mind and make you wish you'd never spilled out of your mother's crack. (Dry-Humping.39)
Well. That escalated quickly.
Quote #8
Dude, she was into you. F*** that, she GOT OFF on you. It occurs to him to wonder was it even real. It's too perfect, just exactly the sort of delusion a desperate soldier would dream up, your normal, frustrated ADD grunt whose inner life is mostly overcooked sex fantasies anyway. But then self-doubt has always been there for Billy, self-doubt and its cousin the berating voice, these faithful companions have always been on call to help him through the critical junctures of his life, and yet, and yet…(Shitty Movie.18)
Billy's experience with Faison does seem a little too good to be true…but maybe he should give himself a little credit. Maybe he shouldn't look a gift horse in the mouth and just appreciate that something extraordinary happened to him. Again, though, it's hard to tell what's really real, especially in a place as deliberately and overwhelmingly "fake" as the stadium.
Quote #9
They are huge. They could be a new species, or throwbacks to some lost prehistoric age when humans the size of Clydesdales roamed the earth. TV's toy-soldier scale doesn't do them justice, these blown-up versions of the human frame with their beer-keg heads and redwood necks and arms packing softball-sized bulges, plus something not quite right about their faces, their eyes too close or too far apart, a thumb-mashed puttiness to cheekbone and nose. All the parts are there but the whole is out of joint, a hitch of proportion, of cranial size relative to facial scheme, as if by achieving superhero scale the players have outstripped the blueprint of the human face. (XXL.1)
Where some people would respond to this adventure with a sense of wonder and awe, Billy can only see the wrongness of it all. Instead of buying into the Cowboys hype, he's just disappointed and disgusted with the whole thing.